Monday, October 29, 2012

Artwork from Sept-Oct Stuff in Spray paint

Here's some stuff you've probably seen bits and pieces of, and trust me- this took a lot of work just to buy the materials to finish it. Done with Spray paint and acrylics. The theme for these paintings are very spiritual, representing Judgement and Salvation. Enjoy:}

Fun Figure Drawings

Figure Drawings from this fall and last summer; most of these
were done on trains, and other public places. Enjoy:}

Art Work This Fall: From Sept. to Oct.

                                                                                    New stuff that I started
                                                                                     recently this season, Enjoy:

Found plywood to use in the back of Starbucks,
my studio buddy Desire thought it be pretty useful:}
Done in Black and White Acrylics:}

This piece was done in canvas
 paper (framed),using acrylics in color
 for the first timewith a still life-
You could imagine the agony I
put myself through.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Portfolio Preparations for School, and the Fuuutuure!!!

      Hey World, it's Angel here again, and I'm hard at work with putting together some of my old portfolio work together from school. I was told by  Uarts admissions adviser to set up a portfolio of my 6 studio classes, and a personal portfolio. I have some graphic work and drawings that all consist of foundation purposes, and I also took photos of two individual pieces from my personal time. I spent about the entire day selected good, consistent foundation work from Black and White Design, and Drawing 1. I need more foundation classes if I want to be literally awesome in all practices of drawing, and graphic design. I'm very sensitive to wanting to be successful, but also sensitive to being very humble about my financial means. Even if I have to start freakin freshman year at Uarts, I'll do that. Besides I really feel confident that their Illustration Dept. will be a MASSIVE benefit to me (as far as schooling goes).

 To make matters more busy, I need to understand color, and draw nature more. Landscapes I really like to enjoy, and figure drawing is totally a fixative hobby of mine. Whatever the style of art, the type of determination I'm going to have to show if I am to really be dedicated to my work. I'm a little nervous of rejection towards my projects, but I'm so paranoid about life that it ends up going differently than I expect it to be. Or maybe all I am thinking about is the huge desire to be a Uarts student. And that's all I want at this point right now.  Until the next blog fellow readers!

Studio Update: Painting at a new Location

Hey World, this is Angel again, and I've been talking with my studio partner on the new location we've decided to move all of our paintings to. Chester Eastside Ministries is the right place for us, considering the fact that we were not sure on having a clear idea of full studio space. The very beginning of the Fall season, me and my friend Desire have painted our illustrations on plywood, a unique canvas for us, considering the fact that it was very cheap to buy. Chester Eastside Ministries is a church dedicated to missions work, school programs, and other special types of fields that involve a healthy community based lifestyle. The church is run by a close friend by the name of Rev. Bernice Warren, who was gracious enough to let us use a space for our work. I've spent a multitude of hours patiently developing a process for my individual pieces on plywood, mostly just rough sketches and paint studies.

The theme that I seem most strong and comfortable with is black and white paintings that consist of two animals that are having a moment- or conflict with one another. If I'm feeling bold, I would allow myself to use flat color to fit in with my black and white contrast techniques; for example, yellow, sky blue, or a lime green would seem very stark for having contrast on black, versing the white. Before I start picking and starting work I make small paint studies that reflect on how big its gonna be (I usually just randomly start my work like a knuckle head sometimes). But when it all comes down to it, it's just the size of the drawing itself as a thumbnail that's going to determine the painting.

I guess I have been patient these past few weeks because me and my partner haven't really settled and continued our previous projects because of our 9-5 jobs and financial stalls. For the most part, I can't afford to pass up such great work I've stirred up so far:}

Until the next blog ladies and gents....  Laterz!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Artist's Challenge: Get Dat Money!!!

Hey World, this is Angel Pabon an average artist from the small community, Upland Brookhaven. I

have been making a series of character studies and paintings over the course of this fall season. Life

seems to be going great for my creative hobbies, but there's one problem; I need money, and enough

of it so my illustrative work isn't stalled by not having the right supplies/materials in my hand:} I get

paid by next week, the 9th of November, so I shouldn't have a problem with a fat monthly paycheck!

I guess the only concern I have is that I do not too attached to my job, because I have a real purpose

to fulfill in Art. You know what's so crazy though? In the midst of all effort being put into working, I

haven't been in a creative mood ever since I started thinking about my finances. And for any Artists

who are afraid of losing their creative hand and memory... it's a fear that MUST BE AVOIDED AT

ALL COSTS! I don't care if I have to force my hand to scribble on a piece of paper! All jokes aside,

I really don't have anything to worry about as far as the financial side, but now in this season I have

to think about portfolio plans, a new series of paintings, saving at least a 100 dollars every check I

have, and making smart decisions when it comes to who you know (the right networks just to be

specific  peepz). All in all, I know that being an Artist takes time and money, and if any of you artists

or average folks can balance that, you'll be just spick and span.

Thanks for taking the time to read this fantastic ad plain jane article, and remember, it's never too late to start thinking ahead. Laterz!!!